media University of Babylon - كلية الطب

The College of Nursing at the University of Babylon hosted Professor Dr. Munther Hussein Al-Kazemi, a researcher in clinical immunity teaching at the Royal University of Britain and the Royal Hospital in London, as part of the visiting professor program. The aim of the visit was to open up the College to reputable international universities and educate the College's students on the system of standards for nursing clinical evidence, the integrity of scientific research, and the mechanism of publishing in scientific journals with an impact factor. The visit program included an inspection tour of the specialized nursing college laboratories, followed by two lectures delivered by the visiting professor. The first lecture covered the system of basic nursing clinical standards and evidence, which was approved as a program in the Iraqi Ministry of Health in 2019. The second lecture focused on the research aspect and highlighted the demands that nursing researchers must follow to ensure their research is scientific and sound. The visit was attended by the Dean of the Faculty, staff academics, and students of postgraduate and preliminary studies, with media coverage by the university media and Al-Iraqiya channel and Karbala channel. The visit aimed to enhance the quality of nursing education and research at the College of Nursing, ultimately benefiting both students and faculty members.


media University of Babylon - كلية الطب
media University of Babylon - كلية الطب
media University of Babylon - كلية الطب
media University of Babylon - كلية الطب
media University of Babylon - كلية الطب
media University of Babylon - كلية الطب
media University of Babylon - كلية الطب
media University of Babylon - كلية الطب
media University of Babylon - كلية الطب
media University of Babylon - كلية الطب
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