media University of Babylon - كلية الطب

The Deanship of the College of Nursing at the University of Babylon is inviting graduates of preparatory school in the scientific and biology branch and graduates of preparatory school for nursing, midwifery, and obstetrics to apply for evening study at the college for the academic year 2022/2023. Applicants must have an average of no less than 70% for science and biology graduates and 70% for graduates of nursing, midwifery, and obstetrics preparatory schools. The application process involves filling out an electronic form at the announced link. A copy of the form will be withdrawn for review by the college/registration division, along with personal documents and confirmation of graduation from preparatory school for the purpose of auditing for the period from 9/19/2022 until 10/9/2022. After auditing and reviewing by the Accounts Division at the Deanship of the College, the file will be received from the student for the purpose of cutting a receipt in the amount of 25,000 twenty-five thousand dinars

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